Thursday, January 5, 2012

Comment Challenge 2012!

Just a few minutes ago, I learned about (and signed up for) the Comment Challenge 2012 created by Mother Reader. The idea is 21 days of kidlit community building through blogging and blog comments. Really, 21 days is less than a month - just three weeks of posting a comment on five blogs a day. Don't overthink it, read blogs by fellow authors and illustrators and leave a comment - you are already thinking of a response to the writing, just post a word, sentence, opinion, your support, ...whatever. We could all use more readership on our blogs and this is a way to connect to other blogs as well as getting others to connect to yours. If you need suggestions, I will be adding a list links of author blogs to the this blog and the MotherReader page has a many listed blogs to check out. Don't forget to follow the blogs you love.

Now - go sign up! You have nothing to lose and might learn something.
Comment Challenge 2012 - sign up

Check back to my blog for daily story starters!
(you can use them as a springboard for the 12 x 12 in 2012 Challenge, too)


  1. Cool 3-D effect illustration!

    I'm looking forward to the Challenge -- and to your story starters.

  2. I love the idea of story starters! good luck! I will be looking for them each day!

  3. Just signed up, Alison! (Is there an emoticon to signify that I'm waving "hello"?)

  4. Been doing the comment challenge for years and always enjoy seeing new blogs and "meeting" new bloggers like yourself.

  5. I'm new to this challenge this year.
