
Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 2014 - Week 1 Doodles

While attending the Southern Breeze Illustrator's Day and Springmingle Conference in Atlanta last weekend, I learned from some amazing Art Director's. During the super speedy 2 minute portfolio critiques, these Art Director's expressed what was missing, what they liked, and what they wanted to see more of from illustrator's. Hands. They want to know that illustrators can draw hands. They said a lot of illustrators need to get back to the basics and practice drawing hands in various positions. The ADs also said that portfolios need to show Consistency of Character. They want to see that we can carry a character through an entire book so we need to demonstrate the ability to draw the same character in different poses, views, and actions. I listened and I took this information back to the Doodle Day online daily drawing challenge community.

For the first week of April, all of the doodle prompts were about hands in different poses. Here are a few of my hand doodles:
Fist, pinch, point...

Hand holding something

The prompt was to doodle a hand in an ASL finger spelling position.
If you aren't familiar with American Sign Language - this says D O O D L E.
Starting today, we are working on Consistency of Character. The doodle prompt is to create a character (human or animal is up to the doodler) and focus on that character all week. Each prompt is a pose or action but the idea and goal is to continue doodling the same character that we come up with today. Don't spend too much time on these - we aren't creating portfolio pieces, just sketches/doodles. Get your ideas down on the page - think rough. Good luck and have fun!
If you are not a member of Doodle Day and this daily drawing challenge community sounds interesting to you, CLICK HERE to join.

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