
Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 2014 Doodle Day Week 2: Character Consistency

This month in Doodle Day, we started off with a week of working on HANDS in different positions. Hands are difficult to draw but when it is a doodle, the pressure for perfection is off. You can see my post of the hands I doodled HERE.

For the other 3 weeks this month, we are focusing on CHARACTER CONSISTENCY. The prompt is to create a character at the beginning of each week and then doodle that character in different poses/actions or with a variety of facial expressions for the whole week.

This is my Character for Week 1:



Her bedroom

Breakfast Science
Running (away) and Jumping (away)

I'm not sure what my next character will be - I never know until I sit down and open my sketchbook to a new page. Come back next week to check out my next character.
If you are not a current member of Doodle Day, the daily drawing challenge and community on Facebook and Twitter, you can check join HERE.
Go ahead and leave any comments or questions below. I love to get feedback on my doodles.

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