
Friday, May 17, 2013


Welcome to Day 17 of the Doodle Day May Challenge! I hope you are having as much fun as I am as you create your doodles. If you are new to this challenge, you can catch up on the posts listed below and if you want to join in (it's never too late), go to our Facebook Group page. If you are not on Facebook, you can still be a part of this stress free doodle zone. Just pick up a pencil, crayon, marker, pen, or bottle of maple syrup and start creating some swirly lines and shapes. See where the line takes you. I post prompts each day but you do not have to use them, create anything you want but don't spend a lot of time. We are doodling, not creating portfolio pieces. This is a challenge meant to relax, inspire, and let your creativity shine.

Original Blog Post with the announcement of Doodle Day May
Day 1 - Zentangles
Day 2 - Monsters
Day 3 - Think outside the circle
Day 4 - Make a face
Day 5 - Flower
Day 6 - Hat
Day 7 - Dog
Day 8 - Tree
Day 9 - Critters
Day 10 - One Continuous Line
Day 11 - Give Me a Hand
Day 12 - Mothers
Day 13 - Through the Window
Day 14 - Sun
Day 15 - Heart
Day 16 - Space

Today's doodle prompt is FRUIT.

Draw one fruit - any fruit - an apple, a banana, a pineapple - any fruit. It doesn't have to be your favorite or on a plate or table or in a bowl  - just doodle it on the page. Don't over complicate it (unless you want to). Personally, I will draw something VERY simple like grapes - grapes will be relaxing, lots of circles.

Yes, I am eating strawberries for breakfast.

Here are some fruits for reference:

Have fun!

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