
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #86!

Today is day 294 of quarantine. We have an election for the senate runoff on January 5th. We have a new President and Vice President getting sworn in January 20th. The vaccines are getting produced and distributed - slowly, but it is happening. I'm ready for 2021! Stay safe. Stay healthy. I will continue to create free coloring pages until I hit 100. I'm not sure after that.

Monday, December 28, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page 86!

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Today is day 292 of quarantine. New Years is only a few days away and I'm ready for change. I'm ready for the vaccine to get to the rest of the essential workers and those who are immunocompromised. I'm ready for super spreaders to STOP and realize that they need to see the forest for the trees. See the big picture. Their selfish acts impact the entire community and beyond. My community lost a teacher to COVID19 on Christmas day. I didn't know him, but I know that we don't need the teachers to be forced to be in the classroom risking their lives. Students can learn from home. Teachers can teach from home. My condolences to his family and friends and students. Stay home. Stay safe. Things need to change. January 20th can't get here fast enough. Bring on 2021!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #85!

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Today is day 287 of quarantine. The numbers of new COVID cases each day are terrible, and my stress level is high, but I feel this small bubble of hope. I have friends in the medical profession who have received the first dose of the vaccine and while I probably won't be able to get it until well into next year, this still gives me hope. A feeling that there is a light at the end of this long, dark, and scary tunnel. I hope you all feel it, too. I am soo sorry and sad about all of the moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and friends, who have been lost this year. I have lost people, too. Be thankful if you and your family are well. Reflect on what you have and on who you have. Be safe. Be strong. Have hope.

Monday, December 21, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page # 84

Today is day 285 of quarantine. Early voting is going on for the senate runoff, vaccines are being given to those in health care working with COVID patients, and Christmas is this week. Please follow the CDC guidelines and have a distance celebration with your family and friends for the holiday and let's work together to slow the spread. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Happy Holidays.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #83

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I love this time of year because of all of the lights. Hanukkah candles and Christmas decorations in my neighbor's yards with twinkling lights always give me a feeling of hope. It's day 280 of quarantine and the COVID numbers in our country are worse than ever, but with the new vaccines rolling out, there is HOPE that by this time next year, maybe, life could look a little more normal - it may be a new normal, but I'm hoping that we can see friends and our children could go to school in person. Happy Holidays - please keep physically distancing yourself from friends and family and everyone - but know that it doesn't mean that you have to be alone for the holidays - call, skype, zoom, and write. Stay in touch without touching. Be safe so that next holiday season, we have a greater chance of being with family and friends. Believe in hope for the future by staying safe and keeping others safe now. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #82 

Copy, Print, Color! Happy Hanukkah!

Today is day 278 of quarantine and tonight is the 5th night of Hanukkah. The menorah that I drew for the first night has grown more branches and changed over time. The Hebrew term Etz Chaim means "tree of life. I've always loved artwork depicting different versions of the tree of life, but this season, I am particularly drawn to it. Stay safe. Stay home. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #81


(first night is tomorrow night, 12/10/2020)

Today is day 273 of quarantine and COVID numbers are bad so we are continuing to stay home and looking forward to lighting our menorahs tomorrow. This tree of life menorah is in honor of the hope that this holiday brings for life, for survival, and for celebration of getting through a difficult year. Stay safe. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #80!

We only had a few flakes fall in Georgia last week, but I thought this would be a fun page to do anyway for day 271 of quarantine. Stay safe!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #79!

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Today is day 266 of quarantine and the big news is we had a dozen snowflakes fall in Georgia yesterday!! My kids are scared that snow days are a thing of the past now that school is remote, but I think that snow days will still exist. Only time will tell. I hope you are all staying safe. 

Monday, November 30, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #78

Today is day 264 of quarantine and it is the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend. This has been a crazy year and with all of the vendor fairs cancelled, it has been a challenge for many artisans and craftsmen to connect with their customers. Head to Etsy and read announcements and the about paragraphs to see why they create what they create. Hit the heart button on your favorite items. Many, like me, are offering free shipping. Consider supporting the artists and giving friends or family a handmade gift this year. 

My shop is called Doodling Rocks and can be found at:

The other 77 free coloring pages are on my blog at:

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Today's new coloring page for Pandemic 2020 

page 77 is a worksheet. 

The first page below is what I'm thankful for. 

Below my page is a blank with space for you or your children to draw a picture of what you are thankful for and below that is a blank with lines for you or your children to write what you are thankful for. 

Think about it. It has been a strange and tough year, but we have things to be thankful for. Today is day 259 of quarantine for my family and my neighbors. Video chat or call your family and have a happy Thanksgiving. We will all get through this together. 

Don't forget to #shopsmall this Saturday and 

check out my Etsy shop, Doodling Rocks

Monday, November 23, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #76!

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Today is day 257 of quarantine. Be thankful for who and what you have. Stay safe. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #75!

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When I started drawing these pages back in March, I never imagined that my Pandemic 2020 coloring pages would roll into 2021, but we know they will. I have almost filled a sketchbook with just coloring pages. Today is day 252 of quarantine and Thanksgiving is around the corner. The leaves are falling and my dog is happily crunching through them on our walks. Please follow the CDC guidelines and don't gather in person for Thanksgiving or Christmas or Hanukkah this year. Let's work together to slow the spread. 

day 252

Monday, November 16, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #74!

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Today is day 247 of quarantine and Thanksgiving is next week. I read a quote yesterday that really stuck with me. 

"This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have."

The CDC recommends that people not get together for Thanksgiving and I truly hope that people will listen. I know it will difficult for many, but think of the greater good. The sooner that we can stop the spread, the better. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 Nee Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #73!

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Today is day 242 of quarantine. COVID numbers look bad, so please continue to wear a mask and only go to public places when necessary. Stay safe.

Monday, November 9, 2020


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Today is day 240 of quarantine. Election results are in and Kamala Harris's speech was empowering. Whether or not you voted for her, understand that she has achieved a higher position in our country than any woman in history and that is worthy of celebration. In her speech, she said, "Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others may not, simply because they've never seen it before. Know we will applaud you every step of the way." I will be putting this design as well as several others into my Etsy shop, Doodling Rocks, so follow my shop to get updates on new designs. (The link is on the side panel of this blog.)

On a different note, COVID19 numbers are rising, so keep wearing a mask, keep social distancing, and stay diligent in keeping yourself and others safe.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #71!

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It's November 4th and today is day 235 of quarantine. Election results are being tallied. Absentee ballots getting counted. POTUS is declaring nonsenses. Today might be the most stressful day yet in 2020. Hang in there. Breathe. Wait... Hope.

Monday, November 2, 2020


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Today is day 233 of quarantine. Tomorrow is the election and tension is high across the country. My stress level is very high. This page is a message to just take a moment for you. Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three. Stand outside your front door and feel the breeze. Turn off the news for a little while and listen to relaxing music. Bake something. Read a book. Draw a picture. Crochet or knit. Do something to relax and reduce stress. I hope coloring this page helps you. Stay safe. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #69!

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Today is day 228 of quarantine. Life is stressful. Politics are stressful. The pandemic is stressful. Let's just take a break with some Halloween fun. I hope you and your children enjoy coloring these pumpkins. I left the patterning out to keep it simple and let kids or grown ups decorate the pumpkins themselves. Stay safe. I hope you all have a safe and socially distant Halloween. 

Monday, October 26, 2020


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Today is day 226 of quarantine and we are less than a week from election day. More than 224,000 Americans have passed away from COVID19 and sadly, it doesn't look like it is going away. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, grandparents, friends have been lost. If you have lost someone, I am soo sorry for your loss. Our POTUS says that we have turned a corner, but with thousands of new cases a day and over a thousand deaths each day, that is clearly misinformation. Vote for change. Every vote holds power and we all need to use it to be the change we wish to see in our country. If you have already early voted or voted absentee - well done. Encourage your college age (or older) children to vote and your parents to vote. Mask up and stay safe. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #67

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Today is day 221 of quarantine and with COVID19 numbers still increasing and election stress, I took a break from of all that today and just created a pumpkin for you to color. Stay safe. Enjoy.

Monday, October 19, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #66

Today is day 219 of quarantine and 70 percent of the students at my daughter's middle school went back to face to face learning today. My daughter is one of the 30 percent remaining remote. Very stressful. I don't envy the teachers trying to teach the remote and face 2 face kids at the same time. All the best to all of you. Thank you for your efforts. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #65!

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Today is day 214 of quarantine and there are no states in the USA that had a decrease in cases today. This is very disheartening. Wear a mask. Don't go out unless you absolutely need to. Social distance. These concepts are not difficult. Safety first. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #64!

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hang it up in your home

Today is day 212 of quarantine. The election is 22 days away and the numbers of new cases of COVID19 is still increasing in many states. Stay safe. Wear a mask. Vote with your heart, your mind, your convictions, and your conscious. We need our country to come back together and for that, we need leaders who believe in science, unity, healthcare, education, and soo much more than we currently have. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #63!

Today is day #207 of quarantine. Vote your voice. Vote your conscious. 
Vote with science. Choose to vote absentee, or vote early, or vote on November 3rd, but make sure you vote. Every vote counts. Don't be complicit. Every vote counts. 
A wave is coming. Can you feel it? 

Monday, October 5, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #62! 

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Today is Day 205 of quarantine. A LOT has happened since Wednesday's post. POTUS and FLOTUS have tested positive for COVID19 along with at least 7 other people who were at the Rose Garden event to introduce ACB to Senators. I don't wish ill on anyone, but I do have to wonder about the karma of this outbreak after POTUS mocked Biden for wearing a mask at the debate. Really. Please, wear a mask or stay home. It would be nice for life to get some level of normalcy and we can't do that until everyone - EVERYONE is on board with reducing the spread.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #61!

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Today is day 201 of quarantine. Last night was the first debate for the upcoming presidential election so my head is swirling with things to draw for coloring pages, but I decided that this is the message I want to walk away with. Stay safe. Get out the vote. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #60

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Day #199 of quarantine and with the upcoming election, there is some serious division in our country. Vote for unity. Vote for empathy. Vote for integrity. Vote for intellect. Vote for someone who PAYS THEIR TAXES. Vote for democracy. Stay safe.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #59!

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Today is day #194 of quarantine and it doesn't look like there will be an end until people take it seriously - at least not in Georgia. Stay safe. Stay well and get out the vote. #GOTV I hope some coloring will reduce your stress. 

I have an Etsy shop called Doodling Rocks (see link on the right side of this blog). A few people have asked if I'm planning to turn any of the coloring page designs into t-shirts. If you are interested in any of the Coloring Page designs printed on a shirt, just message me directly or comment under a post. 

I thought you might like to see what my drawing looked like before adding patterns to the side panels...

Monday, September 21, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #58!

In honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 

may her memory be a blessing.

Today is day #192 of quarantine. Sadly, we lost RBG over the weekend. She was truly a hero. I am thankful that we had her on the supreme court for 27 years and soo sad that we have lost her. Please, vote in this year's presidential and senate election on November 3rd (or vote absentee or early vote). Tell your adult children to vote. Ask your parents to vote. Every single vote counts and our freedoms depend on it. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #57!

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Today is Day 187 of quarantine. Hard to believe that there are still people who think this is all fake. I just can't wrap my mind around that. Almost 200,000 people in America have died from this virus. It isn't fake. Wear a mask and stop going out to restaurants and socializing with friends unless you can keep a distance. Just stop. It will take everyone to work together to slow the spread. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

  New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #56!

Copy, Print, Color, and post your colored pages! Don't forget to tag me in the post so I get to see it.

Day 185 of quarantine and we are definitely in a battle for the soul of the nation. Our nation. Stay safe everyone!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #55!

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Today is day 180 of quarantine and we are getting into beautiful fall weather here in Georgia. With all the anxiety over the election and school and COVID 19,  today's message is to Believe there is Good and Be the Good. Stay safe.

Monday, September 7, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #54!

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Today is day 178 of quarantine and our school district is planning to have students return to face 2 face learning in just under 4 weeks. They are giving a choice, so families who still want to remain virtual, can do so until the end of the semester and then we will all re-evaluate where we are at with the virus. During this virus, there has been fighting, bullying, screaming, and total uproar about the election, about masks, about everything and anything. I'm not here to lecture anyone on their choice, but I do hope that you all know that character matters. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #53!

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Today is day #173 of quarantine. With soo much negativity and darkness in the news, in the streets, in the White House, about police, about the USPS, about everything and anything, I challenge you to try to be the light.

Monday, August 31, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #52!

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Today is day 171 of quarantine. This is has been a very tough week for me. Very little sleep. Lots of anxiety. But, even with all that going on, I am choosing to be the rose. Will you? Join me in this effort and BE THE ROSE. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

 New Free pandemic Coloring Page #51!

Day 166 of quarantine and it is time to step up and be a part of the change you want to see in our country and/or in your community. Even being socially distant, you can fill out postcards or join a phone bank to help others learn about their choices when this election comes on November 3rd. Be a part of the action. Be safe.

Monday, August 24, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #50!

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Today is day 164 of quarantine and my children have had a week of digital school. While the system was glitchy, that was to be expected and I think the teachers did a great job. Someone posted that they are paddling on a raft while building it and I think that summarizes their experience well. Thank you, teachers. 

Meanwhile, last week was the DNC and the RNC begins tomorrow night. During the DNC, they often flashed up a fill in the blank sentence that began with We the people... just like the Constitution. I really liked this feature so I thought it deserved a coloring page. Stay safe!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #49!
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Today is day 159 of quarantine and two nights ago, the Democratic Convention started. Michelle Obama spoke and was very clear in her message about leadership, going high, and being empathetic. It's time for a leader who cares about people other than himself. Vote as if our lives depend on it - because they do.

Monday, August 17, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #48!

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Today is day #157 of our quarantine and my kids had their first day of school for the new school year. All of their classes were remote so they logged on at the designated time and had all live classes. Yes, there were glitches, but I'm confident that will be worked out. Thank you to the teachers who stepped out of their comfort zones to teach online. Tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #47

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Quarantine day #152 and today my daughter and I drove through a back to school event and picked up her schedule and consumable workbooks and stuff. Thank you to her school and teachers for getting organized and embracing school in the virtual format. This page was inspired by a dedicated elementary school teacher, so thank you, Dr. Knight.

Monday, August 10, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #46!

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Or even better, email it to or tag Dr. Fauci when you post it on social media and let him know we appreciate him.

Today is Day 150 of quarantine and even though I'm tired of being home and I miss people and places, I fully support the efforts of Dr. Fauci and I will continue to stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary. Stay safe! Color this page and post it on Facebook or tweet it or instagram it and tag Dr. Fauci so he knows he is appreciated.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #45
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Day #145 of quarantine and I think I am on Facebook too much because I am soo tired of reading complaint after complaint. Everyone is going through this. The Pandemic is Global. Please. Consider that the schools have never been through this. The teachers have never had to teach their classes virtually before (not counting spring when they were thrown into it). School administrators are making judgement calls knowing that anything could change any day. Restaurants are opening and closing when cases pop up by their employees. Small businesses are closing because they simply can't be closed for months at a time. It's like our country has been flipped upside down, shaken, and then thrown on the floor and stomped on. Close your eyes. Take a breathe. Forgive your children's teachers for the spring and wish them well for the fall. While we wait for things like test results, cases to go down, schools to get things going smoothly, businesses to do the best they can, the election this November, etc...Be Patient. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #44!
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Today is day 143 of the quarantine. Teachers in our county have been back at school for a week preparing to teach online and already about a dozen schools have had to close due to staff testing positive. It may not look the way you want it and it may not be ideal, but I believe that everyone is doing their best to try to provide a quality education for our students. This pandemic is a new situation for everyone so give the schools a chance to figure it out. Be kind.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #43
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Today is day 138 of quarantine. Numbers are still rising and yet there are still people who think it will all go away on November 4th. I truly hope it does go away soon, but my logical mind says that if people won't stay home and won't wear masks when they go out or social distance (at the very very least), this pandemic will not go away for a long time. This virus is real. Please be safe. Teachers in my area are back in schools preparing for the virtual school semester or year and they are together in a possibly unsafe environment. We are all in this together. Show some empathy. Care. I hope you are all able to stay safe.

Monday, July 27, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #42
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Today is day 136 of quarantine and the teachers and staff for our school district went back to school to start planning. I know that teaching virtually while their own students may be home learning virtually from other teachers will be a very difficult task so to everyone who does not have to be at work out of the home, please, stay safe, stay home, stay strong. The sooner we can get the Coronavirus spread under control, the sooner students can get back to school and parents can focus on their work and lives can get back to normal. If you need to go out for essentials, remember that #maskssavelives. If you need a list of sources to get masks, I can provide that. I have found many great individuals and companies working hard to make masks. Check back on Wednesday for another new coloring page.

Leave a comment if you would like a link list for masks...

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #41!
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Quarantine day #131. I'm enjoying these abstract coloring pages. Very relaxing to draw and just as relaxing to color.  

Today, I have a question for you. What are you doing to stay sane during this pandemic? Read? Garden? Bake? Clean? Draw? Write? I'd love to know what calms you during this stressful time and I hope my coloring pages have been helpful.

Stay safe and please tell your friends about my blog - I post a new free coloring page every Monday and Wednesday. - Thanks.