
Monday, December 28, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page 86!

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Today is day 292 of quarantine. New Years is only a few days away and I'm ready for change. I'm ready for the vaccine to get to the rest of the essential workers and those who are immunocompromised. I'm ready for super spreaders to STOP and realize that they need to see the forest for the trees. See the big picture. Their selfish acts impact the entire community and beyond. My community lost a teacher to COVID19 on Christmas day. I didn't know him, but I know that we don't need the teachers to be forced to be in the classroom risking their lives. Students can learn from home. Teachers can teach from home. My condolences to his family and friends and students. Stay home. Stay safe. Things need to change. January 20th can't get here fast enough. Bring on 2021!

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