
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #37
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Today is day 117 of quarantine and it feels like a roller-coaster of emotions. From enjoying my time to write and work in the garden to stressed about what school will look like this fall for my kids. I miss having lunch once in a while with a friend. I miss hanging out at the pool with my kids and their friends. Wear the mask, keep social distancing, let's flatten the curve, lower the death rate and get this virus out of our country. 

On a side note - I'm considering illustrating an adult coloring book and one for kids. Theme? Maybe birds, maybe just abstract like today's page, maybe empowering messages combined with abstract designs. Leave a message below if you think that you'd be interested in a coloring book and go ahead and let me know if a theme interests you - the price point would be about $6 for 30 coloring pages. - Thanks. 

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