
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page for EARTH DAY! 
Copy, print, color, share.
Today is April 22, 2020 and that means its Earth Day. A day to stop stressing about COVID19 and go outside (on your own property). Work in your garden or just sit in the grass and read a book or stare at the trees or sky. Take a moment today to stop and appreciate nature and know that whatever happens with the pandemic, the world will keep turning and the plants will continue to grow. Breathe. Relax. Contemplate the big picture. 

Scroll down for past Pandemic 2020 free coloring pages. This one is my 13th since we have been in quarantine and I will continue to draw them for you and your family to enjoy. Coloring is a proven method to reduce stress. I hope they give you a little joy. 

If you are enjoying my drawing style, please check out my Etsy shop called Doodling Rocks. My shop is full of my hand lettered designs on shirts, hats, mugs, hoodies, totes, and more. 

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