
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Doodle Day A-Z Ocean/Sea Life Challenge Completed!

For the month of December, I challenged the members of the Doodle Day group (as well as myself) to creating an Ocean/Sea Life themed doodle every day and to make it even more difficult, we decided as a group to add A-Z to the challenge so Dec 1 began with A and so on... I had to use a Google search for many of the days but I learned a lot about some pretty interesting looking creatures and filled my sketchbook with things that I never would have thought to draw. Success!

Here is my month in review...

December 1 - A

December 2 - B

December 3 - C

December 4 - D

December 5 - E

December 6 - F
December 7 - G

December 8 - H

December 9 - I

December 10 - J

December 11 - K

December 12 - L

December 13 - M

December 14 - N

This is Erin's Nudibranch doodle on her homework.
I sent it in with a note explaining what this drawing is to her teacher. LOL.
December 15 - O

December 16 - P

December 18 - Q - I did a Tangle on this day.

December 18 - R

December 19 - S

December 20- T

December 21 - U

December 22 - V - I did a Tangle and a Holiday doodle on this day, too. I had a sick child home from school.

December 23 - W

December 24 - X

December 25 - Y

December 26 - Z

We ran out of letters for the rest of the month so December 27-31 is free doodling time. I have spent the last couple of days creating Snowmen doodles and cartoons.



Ready for January?...

The theme for Doodle Day in January is Settings/Backgrounds. Many of us have spent years working on characters and have neglected working on setting our scenes with locations so that is our focus for one month.

These doodles can use a minimum amount of illustration to show where the action is taking place or be super intricate and detailed. The list of prompts includes places that where stories would commonly take place in children's books such as "bedroom, park, school..." These prompts are very open ended. A bedroom can be in a house, a cave, a castle, a tree, ... A park can include a playground, an open field, a flower garden, a theme park, ... The time period, the country, and the details are not included in the prompt - those are up to the doodlers.

This challenge theme will be difficult but I look forward to having a collection of settings at the end of the month. If you want to join the Doodle Day group, click HERE. This is a super supportive community of people including everyone from children to teachers to professional artists to people who claim that they can't draw stick figures. All doodlers are welcome. We also post and share websites, online courses, books, seminars and webinars, blogs, etc... to help each other learn more about drawing.

If you have more questions about Doodle Day, message me through Facebook or email me at Alison (at) AlisonHertz (dot) come.


  1. It has been such a fun challenge. I particularly like the Flying Fish and the Water Possums.
    Now, the real challenge begins. I am looking forward to everyone's setting and background doodles.

    1. I agree, lots of fun. I had to gather reference for most of the days. January will be a big challenge, too. I am excited about creating a collection of backgrounds and settings for scenes and about seeing everyone else's interpretations of the prompts.
