
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Interview and other news...

Hey all,
I know that I haven't posted lately but I have been doodling everyday - here are some of my doodles from October:

At the beginning of this month, I attended the SCBWI conference (WiK) in Birmingham. As always, this conference was inspiring and informative. I came home motivated to revise, illustrate, do a ton of school visits, and send my postcard to Art Directors. I spent the weekend with talented writers, illustrators, agents, and editors. A wonderfully supportive group of professionals.

Today, I am featured on Joanna Marple's blog. Click here to read the interview.  There's even a tour of my studio! Check it out, leave a comment and share the link with friends. I'm hoping that my journey will inspire others to persevere.

Keep doodling! November is featuring animal prompts every day so come check it out and doodle with me! Click here to go to Doodle Day.


  1. Loved your interview on Joanna's blog. You also have a very lovely website.

  2. All of your drawings are wonderful, Alison! I especially like the first one because that was definitely me as a kid. I still love shuffling through leaves and crunching them beneath my shoes. Happy Halloween!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. Thank you, Laura. I love the fall weather, leaves, colors, foods, ...
