
Saturday, July 13, 2013


Welcome to Doodle Day July! This is Day 13 and yesterday's robot doodles were amazing.

Yesterday, one of our doodlers wrote that this Challenge is "like going to some sort of artistic gym everyday and exercising your creative muscles. I love seeing all the different interpretations of the challenge word." 

Do you doodle? If you haven't joined this stress free environment filled with artists, writers, parents, teachers, children, friends, and friends of friends - then join us now. Doodling is a great exercise in opening up your creative mind. The group posts art tips, websites to check out, tutorials to see, shares ideas, makes suggestions for improvement, tells you the wonderful things about your doodle. Truly a wonderful, supportive environment. A doodle can take you anywhere from a few seconds on a post it to a hour on some cold press watercolor paper.

Today's doodle prompt is courtesy of Laura Miller. Thanks, Laura!


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