
Saturday, June 15, 2013

WANTED: FEMALE SUPERHEROES (for Children's books)

Are there enough female superheroes in our world?
No. Well, maybe, if you count all the powerful women in the comics who are flying around in the background. What does this say to our girls? Wonder Woman was fantastic but she has retired. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is off the air. Our children need to see that women and girls can stand up for themselves, can fight for our freedoms, can help to save our world from the bad guys.

Becky Fyfe saw this need and has created a writing challenge (she will need drawings, too). Check out her post here:

Ready to write? Here are some things to think about:
  • How old is she?
  • What is her superpower and how did she get it?
  • How does she use this power for good?

If you clicked on the link above, you read that the challenge is to write a flash fiction or short story but I'm sure you could write a picture book that is between 300-1000 words.
If you are an artist, draw up your main character or even her sidekick.
What does her costume look like? Does she have an alter ego? What does she look like on a normal day?
Why does the world need her?

Send your story to Becky Fyfe by the end of June and it could be included in an anthology in print and e-book!
The profits are being donated to a charity focused on empowering and strengthening and helping our girls and women.

Now...write and draw. This sounds like a blast to me!

Hey, Blast - now there's a great super name. 

Have fun!


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