
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Welcome to DOODLE DAY MAY - Day 8! If you have been a part of this challenge from the beginning, you have been creating a doodle each day for over a week! Fantastic. This group is so creative. The doodles getting posted on the Facebook group page are truly fabulous. Doodling is a great way to relieve stress. Don't worry too much about your finished drawing, just put your pencil to the paper and see where it goes. I would say to close your eyes, but that would be pushing it.

I grew up in the woodsy suburb of Chicago, Riverwoods, Illinois, and feel calm and safe amidst the quiet of the trees. In honor of the "safe" feeling of this group of doodlers,...

Today's doodle prompt is TREE.

When drawing a tree, think about:
the trunk
the leaves
the size
the color
how twisty it is
how narrow or wide the branches are
the overall shape of the tree
Are there any animals living in it or on it?
Is there fruit or flowers growing on it?
What season is it? Have the leaves fallen off or changed color?

Here are some trees for reference:

Have fun!


  1. What an awesome prompt! I love trees! I am thinking about Boab Trees, they are just so huggable and loveable!
    All this doodling and your prompts have definitely invigorated my creative spirit. Thanks!

    1. So glad you are enjoying it! Now I have to go look up the Boab Tree. : )

  2. This is great! I'm writing a picture book at present comparing a Peach Tree in NH and a Jacaranda Tree in Ethiopia. This will be a great project, and my little daughter will love drawing with me. :) Thanks again for Doodle May!

    1. Sounds like a cool picture book! Tree study is a lot of fun. I have many in my sketchbook - they can bee soo different. I hope you'll post your daughter's doodle, too.

  3. Nice pictures and a great project because I love trees.
