
Sunday, May 5, 2013


Welcome to the Doodle Day May challenge - Day 5. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Today is a Sunday and outside it is pouring rain. I am ready for summer - ready for warm weather, birds chirping, and beautiful flowers blooming.

Today's doodle prompt is to draw a flower.

You can go outside, look up flowers on Google images, create one from your imagination - anything. Doodle. You can draw a single flower or a bouquet. It can be in a vase, on a table, in the ground, in a hand, or just on the page with no reference to where it is, etc... anywhere. Color or black and white. Any flower, any kind, any creation, any style.

Things to think about when drawing a flower:

Petals - round, pointy, narrow, wide, many or few
Pistol - (the thingy sticking out of the center) long, short, big, small
Stem - long, short, thick, thin, thorns?, leaves?

Here is my example - I really love drawing Zentangles so I drew a Zen flower.

Have fun!


  1. Flowers are so much fun to draw...I have a fondness for butterflies and birdies too. You have some great flower references here. I posted in the FB which is wonderful and very active, but here are some of my doodles on my blog.

    Have a great day, can't wait to see tomorrow's doodle prompt!


  2. Alison, this is my favorite Doodle Day prompt! Flowers are fascinating!
