
Saturday, November 24, 2012

SkADaMo 18

SkADaMo 18 - Magic in the Air
I can't explain what it is or why.
It's just a feeling that there is magic in the air today.
Check back soon or follow this blog to see
more Sketch-a-Day sketches. 
Click below to see others I posted prior to this one.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

SkADaMo 16 & 17 - Thanksgiving

This is my favorite holiday and I am finding it very inspiring today. Here are two sketches I whipped up this morning between making pumpkin bread and basting the turkey.
SkADaMo 16 - Get that Turkey!
This one was inspired by the mad dash for the turkey's at the grocery store the other day.
SkADaMo 17 - Making a Turkey
This was inspired because my 4yo daughter said she wanted to make a turkey and this what popped into my head as the turkey that I would have made when I was little.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

SkADaMo 13, 14, & 15

SkADaMo 13
The other night, when I was trying to get my sweet, wonderful children to go to bed, I said out loud, "Ugh! Why do they become monsters right before bed?" It was like I was hit with a baseball bat, BOOM! PiBoIdMo and SkADaMo! My son, however, took one look at the drawing and became scared. He said, "Mommy! Why are you drawing kids that are werewolves??"
SkADaMo 14
SkADaMo 15
Don't forget to check back. I'll post SkADaMo #16-20 soon...