
Thursday, November 22, 2012

SkADaMo 16 & 17 - Thanksgiving

This is my favorite holiday and I am finding it very inspiring today. Here are two sketches I whipped up this morning between making pumpkin bread and basting the turkey.
SkADaMo 16 - Get that Turkey!
This one was inspired by the mad dash for the turkey's at the grocery store the other day.
SkADaMo 17 - Making a Turkey
This was inspired because my 4yo daughter said she wanted to make a turkey and this what popped into my head as the turkey that I would have made when I was little.


  1. Love these. So clever how you added the color to your black and white sketch for Day 17!

  2. Very cute! Funny how the things we love the most inspire us the most also!

  3. The dog turkey made me laugh out loud. I love his expression. I put many a pet through this kind of torture. when I was young...well maybe except for the bunny photo calendar we did a few years ago.
