
Monday, November 26, 2012

SkADaMo 19 & 20

SkADaMo 19 - Performing Together
SkADaMo 20 - Fair?
To see past sketches from this month, click below:
Sketches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

To see Linda Silvestri's Sketched Out blog with her SkaDaMo sketches and links to all the other illustrators participating in this challenge, click HERE.

Leave a comment below to let me know you stopped by.


  1. I'm nuts over your artistic talent :-)

  2. aww.... this is real cute, AND it gave me a PiBoldMo idea....yay!

  3. Love the juggler - she looks so confident. Are you able to pass to another juggler? My daughter and I learned to juggle some years ago. (We can only handle 3 balls) but we want to try to start passing. Any tips.

    1. Yes, I can pass with balls, clubs, rings, ... Start by standing face to face about 8 feet apart. The start tossing a ball from your right hand to her left, she tosses it to her right and across to you (your left). You then toss the ball to your own right hand. This is the pattern for passing balls when you are both juggling a cascade (figure 8 pattern). When that gets easy, message or email me and I'll explain the next step. : ) Have fun.

    2. Thanks - she'll be over tomorrow - we'll give it a try.

  4. Such cute characters! Nice to meet you, BTW. I just clicked over from Susanna's blog. Congratulations on FLAP!

    1. Ruth, Thank you for stopping by. I hope to check back sometime. I post author and illustrator interviews, book release announcements, book reviews, story starters, and sketches.
