
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #115

Today is day 409 of quarantine. You might be stressed, you might be nervous, you might be sad because you haven't seen family and friends in awhile, but know that there are also many things to "Bee Happy" about. Here in Georgia, everyone over 16 can get the vaccine (with a little computer dedication to finding a location). School down here is out in just over 5 weeks. The sun has been out and plants are starting to sprout or even bloom. Grocery stores are stocked with toilet paper. If you are stressed, angry, sad, nervous, find some little thing to be happy about and celebrate it. If you need more coloring pages, there are 114 more below this one, so scroll on down and pick one you like. 

Today, I got dose #2 of the vaccine, so I am happy, and relieved. My plants are looking okay in the garden - not great yet, but this is very early for the garden, so I am happy. My kids are almost done with school for this crazy remote learning year and this also makes me happy. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #114!

Copy, Print, Color

Today is day 408 of quarantine. Friends and family are getting vaccinated. I have hope. I get dose #2 tomorrow. I have hope. In case you can't read this page, instead of doodles and patterns around the edges, I have written these words...




This ends

You get well

My kids can get vaccinated soon

The sun comes out

Family is Okay

Friends is Healthy

COVID stops mutating

We can get past this

Monday, April 12, 2021

Today is day 407 of quarantine and I spent all day in my garden so I am unable to post a coloring page today - please check back tomorrow for page #114.