
Thursday, April 8, 2021

New Pandemic Coloring Page #113

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Today is day 402 of quarantine and the sun has been shining all week. We were expecting thunder storms today and it's been cloudy, but the rain hasn't started yet. My garden could use it, so I'm actually hoping for a little rain. Have a great rest of the week! Stay safe! I hope you enjoy today's page. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Today is Wednesday, April 7th and day 401 of quarantine. We are in the middle of Spring Break and the weather is beautiful - sunny and upper 70s here in Georgia. I spent the morning at a park with my daughter and the afternoon working in the garden, so I'm sorry, but you will have to check back here tomorrow for the second coloring page for this week. In the meantime, enjoy some time outside this evening.  -Alison

Monday, April 5, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #112

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Today is day 398 of quarantine and my daughter and I did the most normal thing we've done in a year. We went to the skate park. We had our masks, in case it was crowded, which it wasn't. She had posted on social media that she was having a meetup at the skatepark and invited others to join her. We went, met new friends (keeping socially distant), she skated for 2 hours, and it was a great event. What a nice thing to see after a year of remote school and almost no social interaction with kids her age. I hope you are all being safe this spring break, but also getting to do some normal-ish stuff. 

In world news - This week the Pfizer vaccine announced that it is 100 percent effective for 12-15 year olds and we are looking forward to my teens and their friends getting vaccinated.