
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #111!

Today is day 393 of quarantine. We are in the middle of Passover, so I thought I'd post a quote today. This brings up some interesting concepts. When you are close, do you reach for your goals? Running a marathon, do you push that last mile to reach the end? Absolutely. Make a goal, and reach for it. A couple weeks ago, I posted my goal of riding my bike 500 miles in 2021. Yesterday, I rode another 8 miles. Every mile counts. Go get vaccinated. Get out and exercise (with a mask unless outside and socially distant). Let's push through this pandemic. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #110

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Today is day 391 of quarantine. Happy Pesach. I know that the vaccine rollout is here and I've even had my first dose, but I also know that friends are struggling. While many of us are eligible to get vaccinated, many are not. We have kids at home who can't get vaccinated yet. We have versions of the virus evolving and changing and we don't know if the vaccines will protect us from them or for how long. This is stressful. Mental health is important. You are enough. I am enough. Believe it. Say it. Color it. Post it somewhere that you can see it. 

Some ways to safely handle stress during the pandemic - doodle, color, crochet or knit, read a book, take a walk, listen to music, spend time with a dog or cat, talk to a friend on the phone, dance it out, ride a bike, bake something you love and eat it while it's still warm out of the oven. We all have bad days and that's okay. Choosing an activity that will make you feel better can turn things around - one day at a time. 

May is Mental Health awareness month, so look for more positive pages coming soon.