
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #108 & 109!

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Today is day 386 of quarantine, and I just saw on the news that Georgia is opening up vaccine eligibility to everyone over 16 starting tomorrow. This is great! 

High school students can get vaccinated. 

College students can get vaccinated. 

Young adults can get vaccinated. 

Friends in their 30s and 40s and early 50s can get vaccinated. 

Roll up your sleeve and do your part. 

Let's wipe this thing out and get our kids safely back in school. 

Since Passover is starting this Saturday evening - Here's a Passover Seder coloring page. There are 3 hidden pictures in it (not hidden too well so the little ones can find them) - Elijah's cup, a piece of Matzah, and the word L'Chaim!  

Free Coloring Page #109!

Monday, March 22, 2021

New Free Pandemic Coloring Page # 107!

Today is day 384 of quarantine and in the last few days, I have had several things to be thankful for. 

1. I attended an online event that renewed my energy through a shared art project. Thank you, Illyse. I had the opportunity to see how 40 different women take this one statement and turn it into art. All individual. All unique. All fantastic.

L'Chaim! To Life! 

2. I received my first dose of the vaccine last week and I feel a sense of relief, of thankfulness and gratefulness. 

3. I planted my frost hardy plants in my garden and working in my garden gives me great joy. 

In addition, Passover is approaching this weekend and this holiday brings a feeling of power and survival - and a sense of joy in the new life and new hope that comes with spring and plants sprouting and flowers opening. 

*Be healthy. Be thankful. Be grateful. 

Passover Coloring Page coming this Wednesday!

*If you have lost friends or family this week, I am sorry for your loss.