
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 New Free Pandemic Coloring Page #65!

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Today is day 214 of quarantine and there are no states in the USA that had a decrease in cases today. This is very disheartening. Wear a mask. Don't go out unless you absolutely need to. Social distance. These concepts are not difficult. Safety first. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

 New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page #64!

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Today is day 212 of quarantine. The election is 22 days away and the numbers of new cases of COVID19 is still increasing in many states. Stay safe. Wear a mask. Vote with your heart, your mind, your convictions, and your conscious. We need our country to come back together and for that, we need leaders who believe in science, unity, healthcare, education, and soo much more than we currently have.