
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page!
Copy, Print, Color, Share
Day 53 of quarantine and since I hope everyone is staying home as much as possible, I drew a neighborhood for you to color. I get a lot of emails asking if people can share my pages with classrooms and the answer is YES. Please share my blog and my free coloring pages with anyone you think would enjoy them. This is page 19 and all of the other pages can be found on this blog if you scroll down or click on posts on the menu on the right side of the page. 

If you are enjoying my free coloring pages, please check out my Etsy shop, Doodling Rocks. My shop is full of shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, and totes with my hand lettered and hand drawn designs. My designs are unique and can only be found in my shop.

I started a special deal on May 1st, 2020. When you order an item from my shop and share a pic of it being worn (shirt or hat) or used (mug or bag) on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and tag me with a link to my shop, I will send you a coupon code that you can use for your next purchase as a thank you. (offer good until July 1st, coupon good until Aug 1st)

Monday, May 4, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page!
Copy, Print, Color, Share
Day 51 of quarantine here. Today's coloring page is my interpretation of a Coronavirus cell or cluster or whatever the name of the little droplets of the disease endangering our lives are called. I'm in Georgia and even though Gov. Kemp has opened up restaurants, hair salons, bowling alleys, etc...I have not left my home in 51 days and I will continue to stay home until it is safe to go out. As of now, there are simply too many people in my area who aren't taking safety seriously and aren't wearing masks while gathering in large tight groups and I don't want to go anywhere near any of that. 

If you are enjoying my free coloring pages (I'm up to 18 now), please check out my Etsy shop, Doodling Rocks. My shop is comprised of my hand lettered designs and artwork on shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, totes, etc... In addition to my designs in English, I also have unique designs written in Hebrew.  

I started a special deal on May 1st, 2020. When you order an item from my shop and share a pic of it being worn (shirt or hat) or used (mug or bag) on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and tag me mentioning my shop in the post, I will send you a coupon code that you can use for your next purchase as a thank you! (offer good until July 1st)