
Saturday, April 18, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page for all ages!
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Day 35 of quarantine for my family. During this time, my husband has been to the grocery store twice, that's it. I hope you and your family are staying put and helping to flatten the curve. While at home, we are working on school work, drawing, baking, gardening. I'm crocheting hat for Cancer patients (which I will submit when it is safe to do so). I have also been teaching my kids to skateboard, unicycle and hacky sack (that is what it was called when I was a teen, currently this sport is called footbag). I hope you are finding fun things to do or do together with those you are quarantined with. 

If you are enjoying my coloring pages and would like to check out more of my art. My Etsy shop is called Doodling Rocks and has my hand lettered designs on shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, bags, and more. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

New Free Pandemic 2020 Coloring Page!
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I'm seeing pictures of snow on posts from people in Maine and Colorado, but down here in Georgia, it is about 70 degrees and the flowers in my garden are popping up. I realize that while you are staying in, you may not be able to actually stop and smell the flowers, but my point is that we could all take a moment to stop stressing and appreciate what we have. Maybe you have your spouse or your children or your pet with you. Hopefully you have shelter and food (even if you are trying to create meals with 1 left over hot dog bun, instant oatmeal, and a slice of bacon from the back of the freezer). If you are feeling anxious about the pandemic or the news of the pandemic, take a moment to close your eyes, breathe, enjoy a warm mug of hot cocoa or tea and think of things that calm you. We are all in this together. 

If you are enjoying my coloring pages and would like to check out more of my art. My Etsy shop is called Doodling Rocks and has my hand lettered designs on shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, bags, and more. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

New Coloring Page!
Free - so save, print, share, color, enjoy.
Day 30 for us here in Georgia. Spring break is over and digital school started back up today. I hope all of you are handling the multiple websites, log ons, printing, zoom calls, Schoology, Edmodo, Office 365 and other apps necessary for school for your children. Hang in there. We are all in this together.

If you are enjoying my pages and my art, check out my Etsy shop, Doodling Rocks for hand lettered designs on shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, bags, and more.