
Thursday, February 4, 2016


The History of Doodle Day

Doodle Day began as a one month challenge back in May of 2013 (you can see the original post announcing the challenge HERE). I was creating a daily doodle and my then 4 year old was carrying her little pink sketchbook to pre-k each day so she could sketch during nap time. On April 29th, 2013, Erin told me, on the way to school, that she wanted to start doodling the same thing I was doodling each day and we should call it Doodle Day May. As I she got out of the car, she said, "and you should blog about it and invite our friends."

Well, I loved the idea so I did go home and blog about it and I did invite our friends. The next morning, there were about 60 people who had commented on the blog or expressed interest that they wanted to doodle with Erin and I and now 34 months later, Doodle Day never stopped. Erin and I still doodle every day and the group has grown to more than 600 people! We have a new theme each month and all doodlers are welcome (well, as long as you keep the doodles family friendly and rated G since we have some pretty young artists in this group).

If you'd like to join Doodle Day, the Facebook group can be found HERE. 

Today, we are on day 4 of our February 2016 theme UNLIKELY FRIENDS. The prompts are about creating a quick doodle of pairs of animals that you wouldn't typically see together enjoying each other's company.

Here's a sample of a couple of my doodles this month:

Doodling every day for years has helped me developed my style, play with different media, create characters, and it's just fun. 

If you are a grown up or a child, a parent or single, an artist, teacher, media center specialist, or anybody else who enjoys doodling - consider joining the very supportive online community of Doodle Day. 
