
Monday, June 16, 2014

Doodle Day June 1-15 Sumary

The theme this month is MULTICULTURAL.  Art directors have asked that illustrators include characters from an assortment of cultures in our portfolios and editors are looking for characters and stories that embrace diversity. Each day this month, our doodle prompt is a country. We can doodle a flag, a character dressed in clothing commonly worn there, something from this country in history, food eaten there, something from this country in the future, plants, animals, landscape from a region of this country, a building or monument in this country, a character doing something that is a popular activity in this country, etc... I posted on the Doodle Day group page asking that doodlers please, "be culturally aware. Do not jump to a stereotypical image. Do not use personal bias to doodle something inappropriate. Do not insult others who may be from that country. Understand that we have 300 + doodlers in the Doodle Day community from all around the world. Sensitivity is important."

We are in the middle of June and summer is already flying by. My children are out of school which translates to lots of time at the pool, teaching them to ride bikes, working in the garden, and doing bunches of other fun summer activities with them. What it also means is less time for me to doodle, draw, illustrate, create, and write, but that's okay. That said, even though I've had less time to work on doodles, portfolio pieces and other submission quality work, I have been busy on a fairly new artistic adventure that I'll post about another day.

Without further spillage of all that is on my mind, here are my MULTICULTURAL doodles so far this month:







Come back soon for to see more of my Daily Doodles...
Leave a comment if you have ideas for more family friendly doodle themes or prompts!