
Friday, May 2, 2014

Doodle Day Giveaway Winners!

I'm soo excited to announce the official winners of the Doodle Day Giveaway Winners! Without further delay, please congratulate:

Doodle Day Button:
Dani Duck!
Yvonne Mes!
Louann Brown!
Doodle Day Mug:
Jerry Bennett!
and the Grand Prize of a Doodle Day t-shirt goes to:
Mary Flynn!

Congratulations to all of you and thank you to everyone else who entered and shared Doodle Day with the world.

Winners, please email me your mailing address at Mary, please let me know what size t-shirt to send.

If anyone would like to order Doodle Day SWAG on their own, click here: Doodle Day Store.

Coming soon - New Banner Designs - I will ask Doodlers if I can use one of his or her doodles for our group banner and change the design ever few weeks. You are also welcome to create doodles specifically for the Doodle Day Banner.

We are just starting out with Nature Month today. Now, I'm off to doodle some Lilies.

Keep Doodling!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Anniversary Doodle Day!

Woo hoo! Today is May 1st and that means that the Doodle Day drawing challenge has been going on every day for an entire year. We (my then 5 year old and I) started the Doodle Day challenge last year as a 1 month event called Doodle Day May in which Erin and I would create a doodle each day based on the same drawing prompt. I had already been doodling every day since October of 2012 (Thank you, Debbie Ohi and Linda Sylvestri for inspiring those 2012 daily doodles) and Erin was already carrying her pink sketchbook to preschool every day to use during nap time so drawing together seemed natural.

We started with Erin and I and 60 other people from around the world who wanted to join us and now, a year later, we have 275 doodlers in the Facebook Group and a few hundred others who email me directly to let me know how their doodling is going. We have had whole classes of preschoolers doodling. We have had a third grade class use doodling as their daily starter. We have teachers, children, artists, parents, friends, and friends of friends. We have everyone from doodlers who told me that they can't draw a straight line with a ruler to professional illustrators.

The amazing thing about this community is that everyone is soo supportive of each others drawings. The comments are about what people like about drawing and suggestions for making the doodles better. We also post about contests, art blogs, Pinterest boards for inspiration, drawing classes, drawing videos, drawing tutorials, programs, products, media, and books about drawing.

Happy Anniversary Doodle Day and thank you to all of the doodling participants
in the Doodle Day challenge.

The first Doodle Day logo

Doodle Notan
The Doodle Day Logo
If you want to join the Doodle Day drawing challenge, click HERE to join the Facebook Group.
I hope you will continue to doodle with me!