As an author and an artist always working to transition from lefty to righty because of an injury that got worse over 2 decades instead of better, this is where I share my projects, challenges, art, ideas, and simply whatever else is on my mind.
Friday, November 9, 2012
SkADaMo 9
Every summer of my childhood was spent on our family sailboat. My cat, Twinkie, loved being on the water. Since cats don't want to swim and they have amazing balance, they make fantastic sailboat companions. Every night, Twinkie would crawl into my sleeping bag and sleep in my arms.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
SkADaMo 8
I guess I have Thanksgiving on my mind. This is my favorite holiday and when I think of that delicious meal now, I think of the smell of turkey cooking on the barbeque. When I was little, my favorite memories included basting the turkey, helping my mom prepare the gravy, and getting rewarded with black olives which I would jam onto every finger.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
SkADaMo & PiBoIdMo 2012
In 2011, I participated in PiBoIdMo - Picture Book Idea Month during the month of November while the better known NaNoWriMo was going on. NaNo challenges writers to complete 50,000 words in a month. Since this isn't really applicable to those of us who write picture books, chapter books, or even mid-grade novels, Tara Lazar created a challenge geared toward us. PiBo challenges writers and illustrators to come up with 30 book ideas in 30 days. We aren't expected to write it (can work on some of them during Paula Yoo's NaPiBoWriWee in May) but we do write a line, an outline, a concept, a pitch, or illustrate a scene - whatever wraps up a picture book concept for that individual.
When I come up with concepts, I often doodle my idea so that I don't lose the visual of the story idea. Yesterday, I learned about SkADaMo which is Sketch a Day Month - also happening in November. It lines up very nicely with PiBoIdMo and since I often create a doodle anyway, this year I am attempting both challenges at the same time.
Today is day 6 so here are my first 6 sketches:
SkADaMo 6 - Ant Boat
SkADaMo 5 - Meeting Mike
SkADaMo 4 - After T&Ting
SkADaMo 3 - Dog Wash
SkADaMo 2 - The Storm
SkADaMo 1 - Swinging Trapeze