Puppy Love
As an author and an artist always working to transition from lefty to righty because of an injury that got worse over 2 decades instead of better, this is where I share my projects, challenges, art, ideas, and simply whatever else is on my mind.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's Day Writing Contest Entry
I have entered a Valentine's Day writing contest posted by Susanna Leonard Hill. The guidelines are to post a story or poem of unlikely Valentine's (under 200 words) by 5pm Monday, February 13th. The winner gets either Ann Whitford Paul's fabulous book: How to Write Picture Books: A Hands On Guide from Creation to Publication or a manuscript critique from Sussana herself. I already own Ann's book so I would love to win the critique. At 172 words, here it is:
The Forbidden Love of
Glassy and Dropper
I slid up close to her ear and whispered, “Classy, will you
be my valentine?”
My heart nearly dried out when she said, “It’s Glassy, not
Classy. Geez, you can be such a drip.”
“I thought you loved me,” I sighed.
“I did, I do, but,...hey! Stop pouring yourself all over me!”
cried Glassy. “I’m trying to explain why we can never be together and there you
go filling my heart.”
Then everything changed. I felt surrounded by her love as
she held me close.
“Oh Dropper,” she said. “It is just too dangerous for us to
be together. Don’t you see?”
“Glassy, you can be soo transparent,” I cried. “Sometimes
you seem soo cool and empty inside. I know we’re meant to be together.” I closed
my eyes and kissed her silky smooth surface.
“Dropper, my love. Your kisses are so soft and wet that I
feel like we’re floating.”
“Glassy! We are
lifting. Hold me! Our time is slipping away.”
“Dropper!” yelled Glassy just before her heart shattered.