
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Last week, I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award twice! First, by a Jennifer Young. She’s a kidlit author and her blog is Castles in the Sky. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend it. Just a few days after Jennifer gave me the award, (before I finished this post) Beth Stillborn gave me the Liebster Blog Award. Beth is also a kidlit author and I highly recommend that you read her blog, By Word of Beth. Thank you, Beth and Jennifer for this award. I appreciate that you both follow my blog of Story Starters.

This award is designed to celebrate bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. By telling you about these fantastic blogs, I am hoping that you go check them out. While you’re there, click to Join or Follow their blog if you want to read their future posts.

Jennifer Young and Beth Stillborn learned of my blog through our mutual participation in Julie Hedlund’s 12 x 12 in 2012 Challenge. We have signed on to write twelve (yes, twelve) picture book drafts in twelve months. There are over 400 authors and illustrators participating in this challenge and I have learned that many of them have very interesting blogs.

There are tons of amazing kidlit bloggers. Many are authors of children’s books and there are others who are illustrators of children’s books. I am passing on this award to five talented people who are both authors and illustrators (and bloggers). As an author/illustrator myself, I am proud to announce that the Liebster Blog Award goes to…

Diandra Mae
Heather Newman Illustrations
Wendy Martin Illustration
Ramona Davey
Suzanne Del Rizzo: Squish

I am only supposed to give the Award to 5 other bloggers but since these author/artists are soo talented, I am handing out a couple of extra awards to...

Kerie Frances Miller
Jennifer Thermes

Now click on those links above and check them out!

When you receive this award you are supposed to write five things about yourself…
  1. I love to go snowshoeing because when the snow is deep, I get to walk along the tree tops.
  2. I have two small, hairy dogs that love to curl up in my office when I create.
  3. I used to perform in an all youth circus.
  4. My favorite fruit is mango.
  5. I find it relaxing to doodle random things everyday.

If you want to learn more about the 12 x 12 in 2012 Challenge (where I discovered all of these talented author/illustrators) go to Julie Hedlund's Blog.